woensdag 4 juli 2012

5 WINNERS of A Safe Harbor by Moira Rogers!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Blurb

Find out how it all began...

During the bite of the Great Depression, sole female dominant Joan Fuller struggles against the rise of cruelty among her alpha counterparts. The men tolerate her interference--until she breaks from the pack and allies with a witch and a vampire. Now the Boston alpha intends to bring them all forcibly back into the fold--and teach her a lesson she may not survive.

Seamus Whelan and his werewolf bootleggers intend to retire from smuggling and savor their fortune, but first they must do a favor for an old friend: escort some female wolves to safety. An easy job, if their leader wasn't a prim ex-debutante with enough power to challenge Seamus himself. Chance makes them allies; powerful need makes them lovers.

Together, they have the opportunity to build a sanctuary for their kind, but first they must free themselves from Joan's past, and the powerful man who would see her destroyed.

I have 5 ebook copies of A Safe Harbor by Moira Rogers to share with you.
You want to win one? 
All you have to do is leave me a meaningfull comment and I will pick the winners. 
Please leave your email addy in your comment!
You don't have to be a follower of the blog, but it's appreciated. Easy, right?

Contest ends on Friday, October 22 2010 at midnigth and is INTERNATIONAL.

This contest is CLOSED!


Thanks for your comments on my blog.

The Winners are:
Dren (prize claimed)
Marissa (prize claimed)
Andrea (prize claimed)
Leontine (prize claimed)
                                   SusiSunshine (already has this book)
     Pearl is the new winner!! (prize claimed)

You have 48 hours to claim your prize! After 48 hours I will pick a new winner.
Send me a DM or email and let me know what format you like.

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